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St. Joseph Church Welcomes You

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We wish all our mothers a happy Mother’s Day!

A Mother’s Day Prayer

Loving God, You have loved us with an everlasting love (Jer 31:3)

You have loved us even more as a mother loved her child. Today, we give you thanks and praise for the gift of mothers. We pray for the mothers-to-be, who are just beginning to be the bearers of new life in them, may they welcome their forthcoming child with loving anticipation and joy. We pray for the young mothers, may they cherish their child with tender care and unconditional love. We pray for the mothers who are separated from their children especially because of... war, poverty, conflict, violence and for any other reasons. Comfort them, strengthen their hope, and let them feel your loving embrace that wipes every tear away. We pray for all Mother-figures, those who have loved, surrounded and shaped us with motherly care and compassion. We especially pray for our own mothers who have nurtured and cared for us, Their sacrifices and care gave us a glimpse of the extent of your love for us. Thank you for them. Grant health, blessings, and well-being for those our mothers who are still alive. We also remember those mothers who are no longer with us. While they live forever in our hearts and memory grant them eternal rest and reward of their labours. Amen


¡Les deseamos a todas las madres un feliz Día de la Madre!

Una oración del día de la madre

Nos has amado aún más como una madre ama a su hijo. Hoy te damos gracias y alabanzas por el don de las madres. Oramos por las futuras madres, que recién comienzan a ser portadoras de una nueva vida en ellas, para que reciban a su próximo hijo con amorosa anticipación y alegría. Oramos por las madres jóvenes, que atesoren a sus hijos con tierno cuidado y amor incondicional. Oramos por las madres que están separadas de sus hijos especialmente a causa de... la guerra, la pobreza, los conflictos, la violencia y por cualquier otra razón. Consuélalas, fortalece su esperanza y haz que sientan tu abrazo amoroso que enjuga cada lágrima. Oramos por todas las figuras maternas, aquellas que nos han amado, rodeado y moldeado con cuidado y compasión maternal. Oramos especialmente por nuestras propias madres que nos han nutrido y cuidado. Sus sacrificios y cuidados nos dieron una idea del alcance de tu amor por nosotros. Gracias por ellas. Concédeles salud, bendiciones y bienestar a aquellas madres nuestras que aún viven. También recordamos a aquellas madres que ya no están con nosotros. Mientras vivan para siempre en nuestro corazón y memoria concédeles el descanso eterno y la recompensa de su trabajo. Amén

©WodongaCatholicparishAU All rights reserved. Traducción en español libre.

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Father, we thank you for these men who have responded to your call to the priesthood. Preserve them in their vocation. Make them generous servants and shepherds for your people, who love with the heart of the Good Shephard. May other men among our brothers, sons and grandsons be open to this sacred calling. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Padre, te damos gracias por estos hombres que han respondido a tu llamado al sacerdocio. Presérvalos en su vocación. Hazlos siervos y pastores generosos para tu pueblo, que aman con el corazón del Buen Pastor. Que otros hombres entre nuestros hermanos, hijos y nietos estén abiertos a este sagrado llamado. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. Amen.

Our Seminarians - Diocese of Fresno - Fresno, CA 2023_edited.jpg

Get Involved

Our strength is amplified with collective action, and you can help make a difference! The support we receive is a huge driver of the good work we do in addressing our communities spiritual needs. Get involved today or donate and help make a lasting impact in our Parrish.

How Can I help my church?

Volunteering is the easiest way to help. 
You can Volunteer by:
Helping as an usher
Helping the office
Helping with the altar maintenance
Helping with the altar decoration
There is are endless opportunities to volunteer at our church. 
Call the parish office and ask to speak to Lupe to see how you can HELP!

Every donation makes a difference

We rely solely on your donations and every donation we receive matters. There are several ways in which you can donate to our parish. We accept cash donations and checks which can be dropped off at our parish office.  Additionally, we accept donations through PayPal in which you can select the amount and frequency if desired.

We thank you for your continuous support and generosity. God Bless.

Home: Get Involved

Parish Hours

Mass Schedule

Tuesday-Friday: 8:00am (English)

Tuesday & Thursday: 7:00pm (Spanish)

Wednesday & Friday:  12:00pm (Spanish)

Saturday Vigil:

4:00pm (English)

6:00pm (Spanish)



7:00am (Spanish)

9:00am (English)

11:00am (Spanish)

1:00pm (Spanish)

6:00pm (Spanish)


Thursday: 5:00pm-6:45pm followed by Mass at 7:00pm (Spanish)

Saturday: 3:00pm-3:45pm 1 Priest

Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament

Exposed 24 hours starting Sunday after 6:00pm Mass and reposed Friday 5:00pm

Office Hours*

Monday: 2:00pm-5:00pm
Tuesday-Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

*Closed for lunch 1:00pm-2:00pm

Find out more by contacting us.

1515 Baker St. Bakersfield, Ca 93305

(661) 327-2744

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